Tuesday’s Session

Readability: Clear Communication with Students 

Rachel Davies 

This workshop looks at readability – what makes text difficult to read – and how we can make our own writing more readable. We’ll consider why this aspect of clear communication with students is important, and the benefits of improving readability for particular groups of students (international students, disabled students). Finally, we’ll practice the skill of making text easier to read. 

Session slides can be accessed here

Race Equality Charter in practice

Chris Hall and Sophie Holder

 DMU is currently preparing its application for a Silver level award of the Race Equality Charter. The Race Equality Charter provides a framework for universities to identify, self-reflect and take actions to address institutional and cultural barriers that affect Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff. 

As part of our application, evidence is being examined on the progress that we have made since our Bronze award in 2018, alongside honestly reflecting where continued and further consideration is required for the future.   

In this session, evidence will be shared with participants but the focus will be the co-creation of actions to overcome the challenges. This will be a unique opportunity to contribute and help shape how DMU addresses race-relates issues and feed directly into the action plan that is to submitted in the application.   

The session will include evidence and discussion in relation to both academic and professional services staff as well as students.   

Session slides can be accessed here

Decolonising Fashion 

Richard Hudson-Miles 

Richard Hudson-Miles discusses examples of contemporary British designers and how their work relates to postcolonial / decolonial theory. Richard will also make references to current sector initiatives such as FACE, and joint attempts to decolonise reading lists. 

Session slides can be accessed here