You have been invited to take part in an evaluative research study as part of the Decolonising DMU project. Decolonising DMU aims to develop a much broader, institution wide approach to better understand, appreciate and challenge the factors which contribute to there being an awarding gap.
One year into the project, we are now moving to a phase beyond awareness-raising towards implementation. However, we are aware that the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement have shifted perceptions, feelings, and thinking about this work. As a result, we wish to understand what Decolonising DMU now means to staff and students at the university, in order to reassess the validity of its overall vision and approach.
This survey asks five core questions and then collects some demographic information from you, to support us in understanding the voices that are represented so that we can investigate any trends within the data. It should take no longer than five minutes to complete.
You have been invited to participate in this research as your thoughts and opinions are essential to the design, development and success of DMU’s decolonisation journey.
Your responses will only be handled by the research team. Where findings are shared across the university, they will be anonymised to ensure that individuals are not identifiable. Staff voice is crucial to the success of Decolonising DMU.
If you have any questions regarding the study that you would like answered before you begin this survey, please contact the project team