Read to debate: What is it?

Read to debate is a self- selecting reading group offered by the Library and Learning services Fair Outcomes Champion Kaye Towlson.  The forum offers an opportunity for staff to come together and discuss a selection of relevant material around the subject and experience of decolonising within H.E. Stimulus materials are provided and people are invited to read, think and reflect on the implications and connections offered by this material with their experience and practice within Higher Education. Read to Debate meetings offer a forum for individuals to then share their thoughts and think about their practice.   

Reading material is a mix of academic i.e. journal articles, book chapters, through to blogs, journalism/commentary, academic websites, more mainstream books and may include podcasts and videos as appropriate. Meetings are approximately every two months, attendees come from across the University and staff from University of Leicester have also attended. Groups are relatively small (average 5-6) with occasionally larger turnouts (12). Attendance is voluntary and self-selecting and at the moment, is staff only; this could be opened up to include students in the future. During lockdown and the current covid era Read to Debate is offered through Microsoft Teams

See for details of material considered