Decolonising DMU Kimberlin Sessions: Read to debate

Kimberlin Library 00.11 Mill Lane, Leicester, United Kingdom

An opportunity to engage with selected research or opinion pieces around Decolonising higher education, to meet and discuss the material and its impact and implications for our students' learning and experience, institution, practice and resources.

Decolonising DMU Workshops for Professional Services Staff

These workshops aim to explore what Decolonising DMU means in your own working contexts. For example, what could decolonising mean for marketing and recruitment activities or security staff or #DMUGlobal staff?  How can you make your practices more inclusive? You will have an opportunity to discuss the meaning of ‘decolonising’ as well as to consider …


Decolonising DMU Kimberlin Sessions: Read to debate

Kimberlin Library 00.11 Mill Lane, Leicester, United Kingdom

The Decolonising DMU ‘Read to debate‘ series follows on from the Freedom to Achieve sessions. It offers staff and students the opportunity to engage with selected research or opinion pieces around decolonising higher education, and to meet to discuss the material. Please read the following items for discussion prior to the meeting: Hall, Richard (2020) Decolonising DMU position …

Decolonising DMU Drop In: 25th June

Microsoft Teams

If you have any questions/queries or feedback about Decolonising DMU or how you might apply principles of decolonising in your own working practices, please feel free to drop in to speak to members of the Decolonising DMU team. These sessions are open to all members of staff (academic and professional services) and are intended to …